Posts With The Tag "All Posts"

FINISH LIGHT Jun 03, 2016 »

Your last meal (or two, if you're eating more frequently) of the day should emphasize protein rather than typical slow-burning carbs like pasta. The carbs you do ingest should be the "wet" kind contained in high-water, medium-fiber foods such as cucumbers, leafy green salads, tomatoes and steamed asparagus. High-fiber, low-water foods leaching water out of your system; wet carbs, on the other hand, allow you to maintain relatively adequate levels of water during the night since you can't…

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START RIGHT Jun 03, 2016 »

Your first meal when you wake up and after working out should contain your largest carb intakes of the day. Your body's glycogen stores are depleted when you wake up; replenishing them quickly is crucial to physical and mental functioning. A serious weight-training session depletes glycogen stores. Consume a mix of simple and complex carbs along with a protein within 60 minutes after a workout to restore your energy and ensure long-term muscle recovery.

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DRINK UP Jun 03, 2016 »

You body cannot efficiently change carbs into energy without ample water. And, according to the Journal Physiology of Sport and Exercise, you can't deliver essential amino acids to muscle tissue without adequate water, either. Not only will your workout sessions suffer, but insufficient liquids in your body will also hinder fat breakdown.

Don't wait until you're thirsty-thirst signals the first stage of dehydration, which means you're already too late. You must stay hydrated. Drink often…

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Assuming you're not diabetic or prone to hypoglycemic episodes, another way to keep your body guessing is to restrict carb intake (about 50 grams per day) for 48 hours every two or three weeks. Your body will search for alternate energy sources, breaking its rhythm and revving the metabolism. Because it has been glycogen-depleted, your body will quickly use sugar carbs for energy when you return to taking in normal levels.

Do not go low-carb for more than a couple of days or take in fewer…

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When planning meals, you may be tempted to stick to a few familiar sources of carbs. But your system works better when you keep it guessing, so don't let yourself get caught in a rut. Eating a variety of carbs, even some simple sugars, is desirable for athletes, according to the Journal Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning.

Keep in mind, that's not an invitation to gorge on Froot Loops or candy bars. Foods like potatoes, brown rice, pasta and vegetables should make up the bulk…

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While eating anything raises your metabolic rate, protein boosts it the most. Chicken, turkey, beef, egg whites and cottage cheese are just a few of the choices you have for high-rev foods. Protein is also essential to building muscle, and the more muscle you carry, the more efficiently your body will burn the fat you're trying to fry. And don't forget about breakfast! Get an early jump on your protein - deliciously - with these 5 Protein-Packed Breakfasts for Weight Loss.

Muscle burns…

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How much protein is enough? If you're working a 9 to 5 desk job that you commute to by car, protein isn't an issue. But for someone who's active in sports and trains regularly, adequate protein is essential for losing fat and building lean muscle. Your safest bet is to get between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass.

When calculating that amount, use the weight you think you would look good at, especially if you're 20 or more pounds overweight. For example, if an ideal weight…

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EAT FIVE OR SIX MEALS Jun 03, 2016 »

Despite diet experts and new research constantly telling you otherwise, many people still consume the bulk of their calories in two or three large meals each day, often - in an attempt to slim down - going for hours at a time eating nothing in between. Sure, you can lose weight on a reduced-calorie three-meal plan, but you can't make your body burn fat more efficiently, which is key to long-term weight loss.

A nutritious meal or snack about every three hours keeps blood-sugar levels stable,…

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The human body is a bit confusing: By the time it tells you it needs nutrients, it's already deficient. In fact, those hunger pangs are your body's last-ditch efforts to convince you to eat. Stay ahead of the curve by eating before your stomach starts growling. If you're pressed for time, consider the following: A meal can consist of a four-ounce chicken breast, a small baked potato and a salad, all of which can be made the night before and require minimal preparation time. Dining can also…Click here to read more.

Muscle Weighs More Than Fat! Jun 03, 2016 »

I live by this to all you ladies. I don't know how many times I tell my clients that weigh themselves how un-justified the number is.. If you are eating right and doing cardio and adding weights into your workout regiment.. the number on the scale may in the beginning go down but after you body starts to retain those sexy toning muscles.. the scale it not what you look at.. Muscle weighs more than fat.. so even though you are watching your diet an in crease you activity as you get more muscle…

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