Body By Brooke LLC
Eat Five or Six Meals


Despite diet experts and new research constantly telling you otherwise, many people still consume the bulk of their calories in two or three large meals each day, often - in an attempt to slim down - going for hours at a time eating nothing in between. Sure, you can lose weight on a reduced-calorie three-meal plan, but you can't make your body burn fat more efficiently, which is key to long-term weight loss.

A nutritious meal or snack about every three hours keeps blood-sugar levels stable, feeds your body a steady stream of necessary nutrients and helps control hunger-induced cravings for less-than-slimming snacks like sweets and fats. It also leads to more effective glycogen storage in the liver and muscle tissues, ensuring your body won't cannibalize muscle as an energy source during your workouts. So make your meals mini and spread them out. If you have trouble fitting in extra eating times at work, prepare food ahead of time that you can zap in the microwave or eat cold. And stock your kitchen right: Shed fat in just days with these essential 9 Flat Belly Superfoods!

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